In accordance with the Act on the Right of Access to Information, Bina Istra has enabled all its users to gain access to information.
Pursuant to the Act, which prescribes the principles of right of access, exceptions from the right of access and the procedure of exercising and protection of rights of access to information, the user may submit his request in writing by filling in the Request for access to information.
Written request can be filed by email to:
The written request must include: the name and address of the public authority to which the request is made, the information relevant to identify the requested information, the name and surname and address of the applicant - natural person, company name and its head office.
There is no additional charge for the submission of the request form.
Available official information of the Bina-Istra Group:
Company Profile
Bina-Istra d.d. Financial Statements for 2015
Bina-Istra d.d. Financial Statements for 2016
Bina-Istra d.d. Financial Statements for 2017
Bina-Istra d.d. Financial Statements for 2018
Bina-Istra d.d. Financial Statements for 2019
Bina-Istra d.d. Financial Statements for 2020
Bina-Istra d.d. Financial Statements for 2021
Sponsorships and Donations
Legal basis of operations:
Roads Act (OG 84/11, 18/13, 22/13, 54/13, 92/14)
Act on Concessions (OG 143/12)
Building Act (OG 153/13)
Annual Report concerning the implementation of the Act on the Right of Access to Information for 2019
Annual Report concerning the implementation of the Act on the Right of Access to Information for 2020
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Grievance Mechanism (in .docx format)
Grievance Form (in .docx format)